Thursday, October 4, 2012


If I could find a way to make this page go completely black, I would.  I wanted to follow the lead of a few of the others and have the blog in black and white for the entire month of October.  I know me.  I will screw the whole thing up and then, I'll wind up wasting hours (more likely, DAYS) trying to fix the damn thing.  Today, I want it BLACK.

If you follow along regularly, my schedule is upside down.  Normally, I write each day.  When I started blogging, I realized I had to have something that would be consistent in my life.  Like a job.  I knew it was important to establish a routine. For right now and through the next couple of weeks, my writing may be a bit sporadic.  I've read all of the comments and for now, a blanket thank you for, as my mom said, having my back.  (I also understand there is an issue with the comments for some.  If you are in that "some" ... I don't know why that is happening but for the moment, if you want to leave a note, use the "anonymous" choice and leave your name in the comment if your intention is to NOT be anonymous.)

Sporadic writing, right.......I've had a number of unexpected curves thrown my way and each of them has consumed quite a bit of time.  Yesterday, the police were at the house taking a report about the mess that happened with my credit card in Texas.  Later, I have to contact the detective in Texas again to let him know what is happening.  Final paperwork for a company that has been closed has crossed my desk requiring my attention.  It's time consuming and for me, in my present brain state, a tad challenging.  Read:  This might have taken me an hour back in the good old days, and now?  It may take me days.  I can't blow it off.  I have a deadline on another project and I will be away for a couple of days next week. Sporadic writing, like I said....

I'm kind of emotionally destroyed anyway.  Last night, I began to see odd tweets from one of the bloggers, and tweets to her, too.  There is some distance between life and that breast cancer gig.  Like six years distance.....Many of her tweets are amusing (when she is talking about her kids) or edgy (when she sees something that might require a smack down).  I clicked a link when I saw something about surgery and it took me right to her blog.

I didn't get past the first part of the title before my neck just dropped and the tears fell instantly.  "The Blogpost I Never Wanted To Write......"  I am stunned and shocked and upset and frankly, I am in denial.  Six years out?  An early stage diagnosis?

The only words worse than, "You have cancer," are those I saw from Lisa last night.  "The cancer is back."  She is now metastatic.  Her breast cancer has spread to her bones.  I am saddened.  I am sick to my stomach.  I hate this f'ing disease.  HATE IT HATE IT HATE IT....

Lisa.... You are wrapped in love.  And you are surrounded by all of your #FearlessFriends.  Never ever forget that.....


  1. Those are the dreaded words. I am reacting the same way you did while reading them. My heart goes out to her and to everyone who has ever heard them.

    1. No words for you, Idelle... just love and admiration for all YOU do to help ME with my "issues" ..... Your efforts have helped me in so many ways. I cherish our friendship which truly began because of a book. Your book. Opened up my eyes to the reality of my own situation and made me step back to redefine my life. So much gratitude....

      MUCH love....

  2. Wow - this really is the worst thing imaginable. I'd never read Lisa's blog before now, but my heart goes out to her. Even though it's been 19 years this month since my diagnosis, I still get nervous every time I see something like this. I've heard stories about recurrences after 15+ years and know we are never out of the woods. My oncologist told me the same thing 19 years ago - said I will never be "cured," only in remission. So can we ever truly relax? NO. But we keep fighting. Some, like you, are brave enough to take the fight to a much larger audience. God bless you for doing this, AnneMarie. And God bless Lisa - she's got quite a fight ahead of her. And it's so unfair.

    1. Ellen,

      Thank you.. thank you..... Nineteen years.... and I know we never stop looking over our shoulders.... It's a part of what my mom has shown me..... She looked over hers and for the 20 years in between, she never stopped looking. Today, just shy of 5 years, she's looking again. Yes, this sucks.... and yes, I won't shut up until something starts to change....

      Love and hugs...

  3. Replies
    1. Yes. Sometimes that's the only thing I can do. Repeat those words over and over again.....

      Thanks, Kathleen......


  4. Thank you for sharing this AnneMarie, I will leave her a message in her blog.
    Hugs to you.

    1. Suzanne....

      I know you get it...and each person that hears this news, like you did several months ago, must have an extraordinarily difficult period of time coming to terms with such lousy circumstances. I'm here for you, my friend.

      I send you love...

  5. I am so sad to hear this news about Lisa. Thanks to you I am reading her blog, but I am so upset that I found Lisa's blog because she has MBC. We have got to end this disease. There is no way to know who will become stage !V and we still have made no progress in this area.

    1. Susan,

      I have said this before and I will say it again... I am so glad that your strong voice is leading the way for so many. We can never be too many or too noisy. Lives are counting on it....


  6. I saw that post, AnneMarie and it broke me right down too. You're right, even scarier than 'you have cancer' is 'you have cancer again'. It's just total f*ing bollocks to have to keep coping. I hadn't realized Lisa was six years out. Boy.

    Amongst all the craziness, remember to do something for yourself today. Just for sanity's sake, you know?

    1. Catherine....

      I needed that reminder. Something for me.... for sanity..... I feel like I'm falling into a rabbit hole and it's time to breathe and regroup......
      I think I'm going to take a moment and put myself at a table at a small cafe in Brooklyn....


  7. AM, I saw Lisa's post last night and was speechless. Still am speechless. {{{hugs}}} to everyone.

  8. I was devastated as we all have been learning about Lisa. Her blog has always been one of my favorites and always admired her authenticity and her ability to put some distance between her life and diagnosis. I've been trying hard to follow her example and this was a sucker punch. I am more resolved than ever to continue to challenge the status quo and demand transparency from any corporation and organization that is raising money in the name of 'awareness'. We're aware. It's now time to translate that into action.

    1. I love YOU, BA... I love that YOU jump in the SECOND anything comes to light where things are not being done "right." So much admiration for those who are able to translate awareness into action. So glad you are a part of ME....

      Giant hugs...

  9. dear annemarie,

    i am truly sorry for the news about your dear friend, lisa. i just discovered her blog recently and am struck by her grace, her ability to live her life fully and with joy, and the raw candor with which she wrote of now having metastatic dissease. all the feelings roiling within hurting hearts -shock, sorrow, disbelief, and yes, fear - compells each of us to think back on when we were told we had breast cancer. it's hard to relive that, but it can also serve to reaffirm our resolve to do all we can to help wipe this deadly, sob'ing, beast off the face of the earth, and to continue to be fearless friends to one another.

    much love to you as you grapple with all you have on your plate, and sadness for lisa and her family,

    karen, TC

    1. Karen,

      I treasure each and every one of your words on every single post where you leave me a message. Your perspective means so much. This AND You and Suzanne (Sue above) and Lori (regrounding below) and those whose words are on only posts and those whose words are privately shared..... all of YOU..... are at the heart of why I feel strongly about this blog and what I hope is a sense of community for all who share. And all who read....

      Much love to you....

  10. Like all of us, I was devastated to read Lisa's news as well, and I ache completely for her and her family. I think I have a good sense of what they are going through, and what the days and weeks ahead will hold. How we approach treatment of mets, how we get our heads around what it means for our is entirely different than an early-stage diagnosis.

    However, as terrifying as it all is, I would argue that there ARE things worse than living with metastatic breast cancer. Things like days without laughter, not having someone to love, and wasting time come to mind immediately.... I pray that for Lisa and her family, the anxiety and uncertainty of not know what comes next passes quickly, that they find their new path, and through it all that they love, laugh and live fully.

    1. What can I say to you..... besides I love you, which you already know... and ..... no one gets it like someone who gets it. No one is more acutely aware of what happens in the days and weeks ahead than those who have had to carve out a path. You mean more to me than I can possibly ever put into words. OUR meeting has been a catalyst for everything that brings me to this place.

      There are ten comments here. Three of you are mets patients. 30% ....

      I love you....


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