Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Very few things shock me these days, but the other day, I was shocked....

I found something on my Facebook page.  It was from my buddy, Kathi Kolb.

Apparently, I was mentioned on a French blog.  Since my language skills suck beyond all comprehension (apparent pun, possibly unintended, perhaps not), I had no idea why Kathi linked this to me on Facebook.  I look first, read the details later.  The details mattered.  Take note.  The details ALWAYS matter.  Look beyond the headlines, listen past the sound bites and AM, good idea to take your own advice????

If you can read French, OR, if you can click on the flag, it will translate.....

Thank you ....  this took my breath away.  Knowing my big mouth is reaching a global audience?  Being part of a group that includes Grazia, Kathi and Gayle?  Just takes my breath away....

Blog de Melilotus  ... thank you...

We are in the midst of a global #RethinkPink campaign.  Let's keep it going.  And be CERTAIN to look at Gayle's new initiative, The Breast Cancer Consortium.  You can also find the group on Facebook.

Change is in the air.  I can feel it.  Last October we did lots of talking.  This year.  I'm starting to see lots of DOING.  I'm loving it.

Did you click through for METAvivor yesterday?  NO?  Get back to yesterday's post and Just.Do.It.


  1. AnneMarie lots of us are doing it including you, Gayle, Grazia, and Kathi. Nancy's blog about what's wrong with the pink ribbon got written up in the Huffington Post. We will continue doing it. Yes we can #redefinethepink and get recurrence and MBC out of the closet. Lets remember to click again on Metavivor today. And congratulations on your exposure in France.

    1. So glad to be standing beside you, Susan and the rest of these wonderful advocates.... We have to keep it going... long after October is in the history books.... and I know we will!

  2. Also, I went on the French web site that mentions you and you have to see the Susan G. Komen by going to: . It requires no translation! Keep up the great work! Thanks!-Susan

  3. Love it! The more AM and chemobrain around the world, the better!

    1. hahahahaha....

      I love how it seems we are ALL on the same page.... focused on the important stuff instead of fighting over the minutae.... that small stuff can wait... We got the big fish to fry first!

  4. Never underestimate the power of women on a mission!

  5. Congrats! I love how you always take things a step further by demanding action. Keep up your great work, people are listening all over!

    1. KUDOS... Huff Post???!!!! I'm loving that. Lots....

      And much love to you....



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