Wednesday, October 31, 2012


The power is out all over Long Island.  Estimates are as high as 90% without power.  My cable went on by 1PM on Monday.  The electricity was gone by 2PM and the storm hadn't even started.  Not a good sign.

I was driving home just before it got bad.  Not a great idea. In fact, a really REALLY bad idea.  Saw what must have been exploding transformers lighting up the sky.  Sparks flying from electric poles.  Trees already down.  Had to make at least three detours because the roads were blocked or wires were down.

I was spared the wrath of the water.  It barely rained and I'm just far enough from the Long Island Sound that I did not experience what happened on this shore to those whose homes are a bit closer.  My friends on the ocean facing shore are devastated.  Even those miles from the ocean.  To say this was a bad storm is a massive understatement.

I have little or no cell service.  My phone is AT&T and my iPad is a Verizon model.  Both are overloaded.  I can't get online to retrieve mail.  Most texts come through hours later.  Forget twitter and Facebook.  And the blog.

Last night, I was able to get online but I suspect it was a lull in the cell service as I was up after many had already gone to sleep.

Thank you all for the texts, the notes on Facebook, the twitter love....  I expect to be in a hotel if this continues for much longer.  I expect this will continue for "much longer."  I will post pictures when I have full access.  I'm just hoping I can get my blog page up long enough to post this update.

This would be a good place to crack a joke or two but knowing the Brooklyn Battery Tunnel served as little more than a giant pipe, Ground Zero is a mess, a crane is hanging over 57th Street, NYU Hospital was evacuated-critically ill and newborn babies--when their backup generator was damaged, several people died, some in rather horrific fashion, I'll just say I'm grateful I'm safe.  My loved ones are safe.  My home is relatively untouched except for that electric/connectivity issue.

Again, thanks for the concern and the love.

PS-I found one spot on my property with LTE connection.  In my car.  I'm there now.  Will try to post some pictures.  First up, the huge pine that fell across my next door neighbor's home and on to one of their cars.  Yes.  The falling trees and downed wires were *that close** ....


  1. Since I don't tweet... I've been checking the blog since Monday waiting to hear from you! So glad you and yours are ok. Thinking about you and sending hugs! xoxoxo

  2. As long as you and your loved ones are not hurt that is the most important.

  3. Thank you so much for the update. Stay safe, hold your loved ones close and I'm here if there's anything I can do from afar.

    Love you tons!

  4. AnneMarie, I've been worried about you and thinking about you often. Keep safe, and just know that you and your loved ones are in my thoughts and prayers. I also have family in NY, so I've been so worried about them as well.

  5. AnneMarie it's amazing you are even getting out the blog. I am so glad that you and your loved ones are safe. New York has so much heart and they will rebuild from this mess. Love and Hugs (plus I hope you get your electricity back ASAP)to you...❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤-Susan


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