Wednesday, August 1, 2012


Jenny Williams is my friend.  She's a friend to so many in the blogging community and in twitter-ville.  This morning, I learned that she died.  She is from New Zealand so my timing may not be precise, but it seems it was just hours ago that she took her last breath.

I "met" Jenny first on twitter @jaydub26 and then from her blog, Get Out Gertrude.  Then, there were email exchanges and offline chats.  My heart was broken weeks back when I read that she opted to discontinue treatment.  Choosing quality over quantity..... Quantity amounted to just about two months.  I knew this was coming but I'm reeling.  It was too quick and too unexpected, despite being expected.

I know she had some very special moments over these past several weeks and just days ago, she had a gathering at her home.  We all knew it was a "farewell party."  She sent me an email on July 20th to let me know she had just gotten bad news from the doctor.  She blogged about the rapid downturn.  She never even got to the two week mark despite the "worst case scenario" being set at "3-4 weeks."

I'm having a very hard time writing this.  Tears are flooding my keyboard.  I don't feel very fearless right now.  Just so sad, so heartbroken and truly at a loss for words.  I wish to send her family my deepest sympathies and I hope they know there are tears being shed around the globe today as we are learning that Jenn's voice has been silenced.  Forever.

You can read about her choice to discontinue treatment, how she reacted to the news from the doctor, how she told her special needs daughter she was going to die, her farewell gathering.

You can leave a message for her family on her Facebook page.

I'm still determined.  But today, and likely for the next few days, I mourn the loss of yet another woman.  Someone halfway around the world with whom I'd developed a very special bond.

Show your love for another today.  Do something to spread the love that Jenn shared with so many.  I will.  But first, I have to finish shedding the tears of sorrow that have been building since June knowing this day would be here, never thinking it would be so soon.

Godspeed, Jenny.  You took a piece of my heart with you.


  1. I knew of Jenny through you, AnneMarie and knowing the bond we've made, I know how painful this is for you. Thinking of you and sending love. I know this will only strengthen your resolve to do what you do so well -- asking questions, demanding accountability, and taking action. That is the best we can all do to honor Jenny's memory and all the other women we've known and loved.

  2. I am very saddened by this news too. Too many losses...

  3. Every time I hear of another woman dying it's another ache n the pit of my stomach I didn't know Jenny I wish I had....I am reading her blog.
    Damn this cancer will it ever end?

    Love Alli XX


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