Friday, August 10, 2012


Here's the thing.  I'm WELL aware that what is happening with Komen for the Cure is not a joke.  I don't think anything about the present episode or the current situation is particularly funny.  This "resignation" of Nancy Brinker or the "shake-up" that is happening at Komen is being discussed everywhere I turn.  I don't have much to add to the conversation.  I agree with much of what has been said.  I feel that the LOCAL affiliates, as Gayle Sulik pointed out in a perfectly written article which appears in more than one place because YES, it is THAT good, must be brought into the equation.

This is a complex matter but one thing is certain, NB has overstayed her welcome.  Stepping aside as CEO into the board room as Chairman?  Not really sure I get what's been all shook up.  Like I said, I'm leaving it to the scholars.  I haven't had a great week.  Another woman died this week.  We already discussed my "stuff" but trust me, there is plenty of other "stuff" that I simply can't discuss without violating the lives and privacy of others.

Instead, I'll round out the week by amusing myself. On Wednesday night, in between the "real stuff" I was conversing with a ghost. Here's the story... as it unfolded. Twitter style. Compliments of a jazzy little thing known as Storify.

It IS my story... and I AM sticking to it.... Be patient... this may take a little time to load. That's the only part of this thing I'm still trying to understand....... embedding the thing for real, rather than having it link back to the original thing so it takes forever to mosey on over from Storify to the blog.

Sometimes, ya gotta laugh.  Right now, I gotta laugh.  Because, quite frankly, I'm tired of crying.


  1. hahahahahahahahaha I have to start following SKG!

  2. Oh yes YOU do! She is AWESOME....... "Appeared" from beyond and has been spot on with her comments...

    Hope you have a great weekend! So glad we "met" .... really want to thank again and again....


  3. Why NB hasn't stepped down is beyond me. How clever of you to use Storify to capture the tweets. I'm awed by your grasp of technology as well as your courage to step up and speak out when others are too intimidated by the Komen name to make a peep. xx

    1. Oh, Jan! I have no clue what the heck I'm doing with Storify, but I the Susan Komen Ghost "tweep" has been on the scene for months and she is great! Enough is enough with NB and the other "suits" .... I do feel badly for the affiliates as I know they are doing great things in the local communities BUT.... they've lost their way.

      Courage? Maybe. Big mouth, for SURE!


  4. AM, I don't tweet (and I don't know what Storify is), but I'm glad you do! Thanks for posting this stuff for those of us less techy to savor!

    PS CONGRATS for being one of the best BC blogs @ healthline! xoxo

    1. Hi RENN!!!!

      Thanks for the congrats. I'm still stunned. I'm guessing I won't get over being "stunned" for a long time. Truly was an honor to see that. Glad you enjoyed the little story.


  5. This was funny Like Ren I am Tweetless, though I have an account I am useless in figuring out what to do.

    BTW I have had a few *interesting* responses to my Tangerine Tata's post...stop by have a look see.
    Love Alli xx

    1. I'm on my way over now.... I suspect that you may have a bit of a *tiff* going on.... I'm so there.....



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