Monday, December 23, 2013


As each year begins to wind down, I can't help but reflect on those things that are different from the year prior.

And each year, there are things that may have caused me tremendous pain and others that might have brought me an abundance of happiness.

This year, the scale is balanced.  There has been deep sorrow and there has been exuberance.  

It is because of the relationships I have developed over these past twelve months with so many of you, that I am still standing after being slammed just days into 2013.  The year began with my mom's diagnosis of metastatic disease.  Happily, it is ending with scans confirming NO PROGRESS.

There have been other things, highly personal things that I've chosen not to share.  Some stories are not mine to tell.  During times of radio silence and erratic posting, I was getting an education in other forms of advocacy.  I was regrouping.

And then, there have been things that still have me shaking my head in disbelief.  The invitation to run around NYC with Gilles Marini and have him sign a T-shirt, while it was on my body.  The White House visit.  Being a part of history as Susan Love and Nancy Brinker took the stage together.

For me, everything about 2013 seems to have taken place on a grand scale.  The lows were very low and the highs were equally high.  

Thank you all for letting me into your lives.  Thank you all for the generous gift of your friendship and your love.  There are unwritten comments on many of your blogs.  I read them.  I learn so much from all of you.

There are comments written here which have no response.  I've read them all.  Several times.

While I may have been overwhelmed by some of the back stories and by perhaps, taking on a bit too much, nothing has overwhelmed me more than the support you've all so generously shared.  You've lifted me up more times than you can possibly know.  I am grateful.

I’ve made many new friends this year, and strengthened the friendships with those of you who have been by my side before this year.  Yes, I am grateful.

I wish you a holiday that is filled with the love of family and friends and a heart that is filled with joy.  I hope 2014 blankets each of you in the warm glow that comes with peace and calm and serenity.

With all my love,


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  1. dear Annemarie,

    what a beautiful post. the bitter and the sweet, the highs and the lows...if we can come away from a year filled to the brim with both, and still feel overwhelming gratitude we are so fortunate. sometimes, just having remained on our hind legs is a super-human feat, yes?! thank you, thank you for all you have done to help us - to learn, to grow, to embrace challenges, to be empowered, to show how reaching out to others with compassion, love, and understanding helps enhance the life force of our wonderful BC community.

    i wish you and your family and all whom you hold dear to be embraced in the arms of hope, love, and peace and for all good things in the New Year. please say hello to your sweet Mom for me - i am so happy that she has come through this year with such a wonderful outcome!

    much love and light to you, my Friend,



  2. AnneMarie, I'm so grateful that our paths crossed. I admire your advocacy and strong stance in what you believe in. I was devastated to hear about your mother, but I'm glad the medical news has been better thus far. xoxo Beth

  3. Anne Marie, I wish you and your family a wonderful holiday!

  4. I am so incredibly happy that our paths crossed. I try to follow your every move through our world of cancer - no..... i am not a stalker! ;) I appreciate all you have done for us collectively, and for me, individually. You are my friend. And I hold this friendship in my heart. Have a wonderful holiday season, and best wishes for the new year! Lots of XOXOXO!!

  5. AnneMarie, thank you for stepping up and being the voice for so many. Have a blessed Christmas with your family.

  6. I treasure each one of you more than I can possibly convey. Much love to all! xoxo

  7. Such a beautiful and moving post, Anne Marie!. I admire and respect you for all you're doing to be the voice for all of us. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! xo

  8. AnneMarie I know this year started out awful with your mom. It's such a relief to know that her scans are staying stable. I thank you for all that you do to make this world a better place. I really enjoy reading your blog and try to comment when I can. I appreciate your incredible passion. Have a Merry Christmas and joyous New Year with your wonderful family. Hugs and xoxo - Susan

  9. AnneMarie, a beautiful post as always. So grateful that we're friends. Love to you.

  10. Sending you loads of love, AnneMarie. It has been an honour to read along as you have shared all these moments. And I am glad the scan shows no progress, too.


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