Monday, September 24, 2012


Big news is coming from the Dr. Susan Love Research Foundation.  In precisely one week. October 1. I wrote a blog post one month ago.  Be In From The Beginning: Here's How

DSLRF is looking for all of the bloggers to join together on October 1 to pledge to Blog with Love, to Act with Love.  And it poses a question.  "How will YOU make breast cancer history?"  Lots of play on words going on but I can assure all, we ain't playin' anymore.  We are going to make breast cancer history by making breast cancer history.

If you have a blog and care to act with love and partcipate in Blog With Love, sign the pledge here and you'll get one of these neat little badges to put on your blog.  Next Monday, we can take those first steps toward making breast cancer history and breast cancer history. Together.  One silly little blog at the time.  (That would be mine.... the silly little blog's my pet name for THIS blog)

Not a blogger?  No problem..... there will be a link for you to share in the FunFest on Facebook.  (I know.. I KNOW.... no FB link... It will be here on Monday.)  We're in it to END IT.  And we're all in this thing together.

In one week, on October 1st, you will know HOW.  The world will be introduced and we should begin to see things start moving.

HOW?  Health of Women study.  THAT is HOW.

Breast cancer awareness month will begin in one week.  Last year about this time, I sat beside Susan Love and listened to her say "We are sufficiently aware."  A-freakin-men.  We are aware of the disease and we are all passionate about seeing change.  Each and every one of us will be able to play a small role in being a part of that change.

HOW is a groundbreaking initiative that will involve all of us... directly.... anyone over the age of 18, ANYWHERE in the world.  WE are the puzzle pieces.  We will be able to provide information and perhaps some common threads will begin to emerge.  The goal is the same goal that Dr. Love has been about for decades.  End Breast Cancer.

You can read more about it by visiting  I will share more about this next week as part of my pledge.  DSLRF is about to turn current research practices on its head by facilitating a way for true global collaboration.

I know I beta tested the first module and I think a few randomly chosen members of the Army of Women were invited to join the study last week.  Cat's out of the bag and by next Monday, before jumping on the pink bandwagon, first DO something.  NOW you know HOW.

HOW will make breast cancer history by making breast cancer history!

I have a new mantra.  Wanna hear it?

"Those who can, should and those who know, MUST."

We Can AND We Must.  Like I said.  In - It - To - End - It.

Let me show you HOW to be a part of history.

Let me show you HOW to truly Act WITH Love.....


  1. dear annemarie,

    this post left me soooo PUMPED!!! amazed, intrigued, impressed, more hopeful than ever, and with overwhelming gratitude for the great minds at SLRF who are sending a message loud and clear - WE WILL NEVER GIVE UP in the quest to find the cause(causes)of breast cancer, then wipe it off the face of the earth. i took a peek at the Health of Women study site and was blown away with how all the questions that immediately bubbled up in my head were already anticipated and answered!

    perhaps another important message that will be very inspiring is that the HOW study will be global in it's scope. it feels so good to know our sisters/brothers all over the world, both those currently suffering from bc, and those who live in anxiety and fear that it will strike them or their loved ones, can have unprecedented hope, and that recognition, care and LOVE extends to all the citizens of our planet.

    i l-o-v-e that!!!!!!!

    so thank you annemarie for this fabulous news. i can "hear" in your cyber voice just how happy, excited and thrilled you are. sure beats last weeks bummers, yes? can't wait for your next blog post.


    karen aka the commentor

    1. If you haven't enrolled yet, I think it's officially open (even though they told me not til Monday....)....




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