Monday, November 4, 2013


I'm sitting in a hotel room, getting ready for two days of meetings and panels.  And lots of collaboration.

Faster Cures has put together a spectacular line-up of sessions.  My fingers are on ice.

If you are active on twitter, be sure to follow @FasterCures and watch the meeting hashtag: #P4C2013

What's is all about?

The complete Partnering For Cures agenda is on the conference website.

Just Watch!  And I forgot, I have a bit part in this video.

Yes, there's an energy in the air around here and the energy is palpable.  We're on our way......

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  1. AnneMarie:
    I just looked at the agenda. I know Sheri Ling!!! My daughter used to swim with hers. I don't know her husband Geoff as well, but he has done some remarkable work with DARPA. His "bionic" hand is amazing - he was on 60 Minutes a couple of years ago. If you have the opportunity to talk to Sheri, please tell her I said hi. She is such a lovely person.
    Talk soon - you chatting tonight? Ellen xo

    1. I will definitely have a chance to say hi and tell her we have "no degrees of separation" ... Small world...

  2. I've been amazed by your tweeting AnneMarie! You should be an official twitter correspondent for all of these incredible events you attend. ~Catherine


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