If anyone is having a problem, well, you won't be seeing this to let me know you are having a problem which, I suppose is its very own little problem. I've checked this in Safari, Firefox and Chrome. The only thing I don't have on my laptop is Internet Explorer so I am clueless about its functionality on IE.
Now, down to business. This month has seen a ton of YUK. However, I must be fair and I must be honest. I'm not anti-pink. I'm appreciative of the companies who have stepped up and raised money for breast cancer education, care and (what matters lots to me) research.
For profit companies are not in the business of charity. They are in the business of making money so I am thankful for their efforts. Yes, I hear you. Tax write offs, good will on the back of a disease but it's a two way street. If their efforts have resulted in funds that were not there before and would not be there if not for their "ribbon" campaigns, I'm grateful. To those whose bottom lines were egregiously padded, shame on them. Next year, there will be less pink and an even greater understanding of how we can speak with our wallets. Hopefully.
And THEN, there are those things that have been utterly ridiculous. Over the top. Stupid. The Osocio site refers to this as #pinkverts. I like it. Nice ring.
Here is a recap of the things that I found to be a bit much as we bid adieu to October.
These are the ghouls, the ghosts and the goblins.
In no particular order and I know I'm missing many... I give you....
The creepy and the spooky....
- The NFL in it's entirety. This has been the biggee this year, it's been discussed ad nauseum.
- The blind eye of the NFL by ignoring their own retired athletes who are in serious need of assistance in favor of throwing pink flags.
- And they fine a player, Brandon Marshall for his green cleats during Mental Health Awareness week to support a community which is in dire need of destimatizing? This bothered me. A LOT.
- No Bra Day
- #Mamming Story by the ever fabulous Mary Elizabeth Williams of Salon
- Motorboarding
- The Tweeting Bra
- Male Doctors In Drag To Save TaTa's
- Sex toys for a cure (The photo is on my Facebook page and yes, it's real)
As we usher in the month of November, the only thing I'm going to say?
WHITE is officially the new pink.
It's Lung Cancer Awareness Month.
Will there be a White Ribbon adorning The White House. Because frankly, if there isn't, I'm going to be highly offended. It's precisely this type of stuff that has made me feel like my disease, our disease, is the bully of all disease.
The lung cancer community could use our support. I'm in.
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