Friday, October 25, 2013


Presenting my own personal #BedPolice, Dr. Deanna Attai.  Her interview is spot on and hits all the most important points. This is a great addition to breast cancer EDUCATION month.  If you don't have 15 minutes to listen now, bookmark it.

Dr. Attai on everything: knowing what to look for before hitting the panic button, how to deal with a diagnosis, buying pink (including respect for the history of the ribbon) AND ways to donate for maximum impact.  Hint: It's not all about money. Please share her Santa Clarita TV interview with as many people as you can.  The You Tube link can be found here.  The video is embedded below.

With a "PS I Love You" to Dr. A from me on behalf of so many, for being our champion.......

  Like it?  Share it!


  1. I love Dr. Attai and she always does a great job with these interviews - so yes, Rockstar! Thanks for sharing her latest!

  2. I've never seen Dr. Attai speak before -- very clear and constructive. Thanks for pointing me to this interview. A refreshing alternative to some of the less helpful media coverage of breast cancer issues during October...

  3. Terrific! Watched the whole thing. I wish there were more shows that would dedicate 15 minutes to someone like Dr. Attai. Thanks for posting AnneMaria.

  4. AM, so glad you posted this ... this was one of her best interviews ever. Indeed, we are SO lucky to have her! : )

  5. I so often see those bed police tweets, and it reminds me that I really ought to stop playing and go to bed! Thanks for the video, I'll check it out.


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