Tuesday, December 13, 2011


I KNOW we are long since done with the list of the stupidest items bearing the pink ribbon, but last week I was getting gas and when I walked into the store to grab a bottle of water, I could not stop laughing.  The guy behind the counter was ready to call those people with the funny jackets.  I could see it in his eyes.  It would have taken far too long for me to tell him the story.

Here?  This requires no story.  I think this qualifies as the Official Most Stupid Item of 2011.  Unless, of course, the pepper spray has some magic power and it has the power to obliterate cancer cells.  After all, I'd sooner smack down a hairy, scary stranger in a dark alley.  That scary stranger is a piece of cake.  This sneaky cancer stuff?  Not too much.

FYI-This cost $10.00.  I have no clue how much money is going anywhere but I figure every woman should have some form of defense.  It was a "need purchase" ... not a "pink purchase."

Maybe I will use it on the next person who tells me, "You got a good cancer!"  or, my most favorite, "Wow, a free boob job!!"  I wonder if the pepper spray burns as much as those damn chemo drugs did when they were dripping into my vein?

(There is a comment below from one of the brilliant bloggers.  In case it doesn't come up as a link in the comment box, her post can be read here..... this stuff is important...... billions of pink ribbon bucks and we MUST be AWARE)


  1. Ah yes, one of my old favorites, the National Breast Cancer Foundation, an enduring family business. Here's a post I wrote about them earlier this year complete with pink pepper spray. I'm keeping my eye on them FYI. http://cancerculturenow.blogspot.com/2011/05/all-aboard-pink-gravy-train.html

  2. Thanks for the link, Rachel..... I'm adding it into the body of the post so it will be a clickable link. This stuff is important. I knew someone had to have seen this but I only jumped into the social media thing with the blog and twitter in July. That's when I became "AWARE" of the true reality of the pinkwashing. In less than five months I can write a dissertation for a PhD and even WITH inability to stay on task or think on my feet, I'm pretty sure I'd pass the test with flying colors. When something causes outrage, I can get pretty persistent. A little foreshadowing in the "All Aboard" title given your recent vacation which I hope you saw topped my gratitude list...


  3. Crawford GlissadevilleFebruary 9, 2012 at 12:57 AM

    What do you mean by pinkwashing?


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