Friday, December 2, 2011


I definitely would NOT believe it, but this is the 99th entry into my little blog.  Four months and eleven or so days later..... I'm ready to dive into triple digits.  What?  You don't believe me...... Well, SuperSleuth Agent, it IS 99.... just take a peek to the left at the Blog Archive.......

Last minute SHIT turned this into a two part entry.  Part one is celebratory.  Part two is below the picture.  

First, the celebration of 99 which was my sole intention.......

Can I get a resounding chorus please?  Edge of Glory or maybe even Born This Way.  I might even depart from Gaga and get those Moves Like Jagger going on.  Or, I may embrace Marry The Night.  The video starts in a hospital with a gurney being wheeled into an operating room and ends in triumph.  It's hauntingly fitting.  I'm still processing.  I'll get back to you on the musical selection.  Hell, I may even throw Pitbull into this equation.....  

The champagne?  C'mon, "GET SMART"  !!!!  This is from the Benign Biopsy Celebration on Tuesday night......  

AND, IF none of this amuses you, you are not quite old enough..... and equally, you may not be young enough either..... 


Breaking news compelled me to make an addition to this entry.  If "strong language" offends you, please skip the very last couple of lines.  Personally, I find there are times when nothing but the F bomb is even remotely close to expressing an accurate feeling.  And, just my opinion, the language in the quoted tweet isn't nearly strong ENOUGH, but that's me.  I respect that some who may be reading along don't care for certain words.  Me?  Frankly, I am FAR MORE offended that "early detection" is still the best we got.  I said it yesterday on World AIDS Day:  We had a ten year head start.  The war on cancer was waged forty years ago......  Where is the Condom for Cancer??? ) 

And this is what happened late yesterday.....  and this is what prompts Part Two...... and this is upsetting, irritating or down right infuriating.....

Less than twelve hours ago, Xeni Jardin tweeted that she was JUST diagnosed with breast cancer.  That would be Thursday evening.  On Monday afternoon, Susannah Breslin received the same news.  That would be exactly three days prior.  These women are both accomplished journalists.  They know each other.  If you can read a tweet timeline, it's exceptionally poignant.  It was Xeni's first ROUTINE mammogram and the two were trading barbs as Xeni was tweeting her experience with tons of humor.

Remember, I am the baby blogger and the toddler tweep.  I go to great lengths to try to make sure my words are accurate but this whole thing is beyond "Would You Believe" or "You Must Be F'ING KIDDING ME?"  It's got the twist of an O Henry short story with none of the feel good factor ala Gift of the Magi.

A few hours after the last wise cracks were bantered about, Xeni continued to tweet in the land of BC.  And in very real time, she announced to all, "I have breast cancer."  And she is now my sister.  And the timeline on twitter brings tears to my eyes.  Maybe it's because I saw the words, so light and breezy crash through the floor with a resounding thud.  That oxygen sucking, chest constricting feeling that too many of us understand.  The second those words appeared from an iPhone to a twitter feed, I felt the kick in the stomach for her, for her friend.  What happens to one of us, happens to all of us.

This was tweeted by Clayton Cubitt, a photographer-filmaker-writer who knows BOTH of them.  I find it a heartfelt tweet infused with just the right amount of appropriate humor.  He told his friends:

You strong beautiful warrior women. You're gonna kick some Big-C ass. But you're 
really taking that sync stuff too far.

To Clayton I say, Kudos for that last sentence.  We need to laugh through our tears.  I don't know any of this trio of friends.  I had tears in my eyes but I managed one of those tearful laughs.  To Susannah and Xeni, two women whose names I didn't know before this week, I am so sorry you have joined me, joined US in this stupid club.  And, the tweet of the day, the week, the month, or quite possibly until this is finally put to an end....  The tweet I said I was putting on this blog.......  If you can't deal with the heat of the language, scroll past these words to the bottom of the page and get on the clock.  The deadline has been set.  The clock is counting down.  

Enough is E-Fucking-Nuf Already.  Nicely worded in 140 characters or less and thank you, Clayton:



  1. love that tweet, hate that we have more sistahs. It never ends.
    and yet it has to.

  2. How do you feel??? Was thinking about you all day yesterday.....


  3. Thanks AM! I have one drain, PS removed a bunch of scar tissue, and he put in a new TE filled to 200ccs. I kinda feel like I had an MX all over again! Waaaaaaaa!
    I had a fever this morning but it is abating. One step in front of the other...

  4. Renn, my dear friend....

    Focus on the end result! Trite and cliche, I know, but there's something to be said for perky. Being on the receiving end of perky gives me the okay to say that (I think.... lol)

    Take pain pills (not a problem if I recall your meds story??!)....

    And, glad you checked in. I worry. Born with the worry gene, live with the worry gene, die with the worry gene... Mom's reading but I have to get her a NEW computer since she can't comment and I DID try to fix it... but I can assure you, My MOM is nodding her head and laughing.

    I think we ALL got that worry gene thing...

    love to you...

  5. Congrats on 99!! Fabulous tweet :)

  6. Thanks, Tory...

    Yes, I'm not too good at 140 characters. My tweets are usually 3 parts when I have to make a very important point. Clayton's point=Fantastic!


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