Friday, May 4, 2012


There is a ten minute video below that is well worth watching.  I'm going to go out on a limb here and make some presumptions.  If you are reading this, you may also blog which means you enjoy writing.  Or, you may be a breast cancer patient or a caregiver to someone in the throes of an illness.  Perhaps you know I like to rant and you want to laugh at me, laugh with me or join in my ranting.  Maybe you remember I can find myself in some silly situations or envision myself in places like a hyperbaric chamber because there was some obscure (and likely ridiculous) study I stumbled upon that connected cognitive improvement with the oxygen enriched air inside one of those contraptions.

In recent weeks, I've gotten somewhat preachy and the crux of my preachiness has been all about donating directly to things that speak to your heart and soul.  Cut out the middle man and put the money right into the hands of the people who are going to USE the money.  This is a great example of what I mean when I say "donate directly."  And this is what it looks like when volunteers are devoted and dedicated and donor dollars are used wisely.

I am a participant in the Visible Ink program at Memorial Sloan Kettering.  I will let the video explain the program as it is SO MUCH more than just a writing program.  Rather than waste time gushing about the program, the folks who produced the video catch every single thing about Visible Ink that makes it so incredibly special, so powerful, so healing.  What I WILL gush about is the genius of the woman whose brilliant mind crafted this idea and then brought it to fruition.

Judith Kelman launched the program in 2008.  I know I mentioned in a very early entry that I was poised to participate when Visible Ink was unveiled.  I still have my first email correspondence with Judith in a saved box in Outlook.  Then bottom fell out of my world and there was no time for me.  In 2011, three years and many problems later.... I MADE the time.  It truly changed my life.

Judith has turned this writing program into a work of art.  Literally.  You can see for yourself.  And yes, this is a completely shameless plug.  I have a bit part in the video.  So yes, it's compulsory viewing.  And yes, if you are so inclined, their are high hopes to expand this program beyond the walls of the MSK Community.........

I can't begin to express my gratitude to Judith for her vision and to Anna who continues to cheer me on and helps me cut things to size and clean up the choppies.  This is a nice way to end the week.... And, as I head to Washington DC to make some noise, I am struck by this:  All of my activities today began as a result of VI......  It is because of VI that I realized I had to pay it forward by getting involved.... first with the hospital and then with Army of Women and now as a member of NBCC and Breast Cancer Action.  Visible Ink changed me and now it's my turn to change the world.  I'm dreaming big.  Join me, won't you?


  1. What a wonderful program, AnneMarie! So happy for you that you're a part of it -- although I can just see your mentors cracking up as they read your articles. You're such a strong writer already -- still, knowing you, you probably get every bit of positive energy out of the experience. I think you're actually a mentor-in-training!

    1. Idelle,

      You are so sweet and it's been too long since we connected. In DC now, going to take walk around the hotel. Waiting for my buddy from California to arrive. I'm pretty sure there will be a few glasses of red wine flowing later on! As for Visible Ink, it's such a top notch program. That reception was so much fun and one of my blog pieces was edited for size and it was selected to be published in the anthology. That felt great! Being asked to speak a bit for the promo video was truly an honor....

  2. This is very, very cool, AM, and it was fun to see your pretty face & hear your voice. I've been writing & making images & music since I was a kid, and I would be a complete nutcase without it all. I hope you are safely at NBCC & enjoying yourself. If you run into any of our sistahs, give them a big hug for me.

    1. Thanks, Kathi! I will dispense hugs on your behalf. FYI..... MSK has a very impressive art program, too. The have some amazing project ideas. I'm going to be meeting up with some of the Long Island members of NBCC and I will help at the Army of Women table and meet some of the women I've been working with for months. Will be nice to put a voice to a face. Although, I think I did that here with the video!! :)

  3. What a wonderful program! I'm going to dream big, too. You've totally inspired me with all your work with MSK. xx

    1. Jan...

      I'm humbled when I see words like inspired.... TRULY humbled...


  4. Loved seeing you in the video and congrats on being selected for the anthology. They couldn't have anyone better. Talk soon.

  5. Because you are prone to ranting and picking things up to look underneath, I can't think of a better breast cancer activist than you. I'm thrilled you're making your voice heard. I feel the same way, but am afraid if I write too many blogs about Dr. Susan Love and the search for the cause as opposed to the cure, people will begin to tune me out. "She's a one trick pony," they'll say.

    In you, I've found another fabulous horse in my corral. I truly wish I could go to Washington with you, but I've committed everything to making this talk show a reality. How I wish I could share the details. Let's just say, my elephant's flipping' huge, and I'm trying to take one bite at a time.


    1. Prone to ranting? Ya think??? And, once again let me repeat... I am THRILLED THRILLED THRILLED for you. I can't wait for this to take off for you, Brenda. I can't wait to say I knew Brenda when she was blogging... before she got discovered and became the next Oprah!


  6. AnneMarie,

    LOVED the video about such an amazing program. You spoke so eloquently, and I enjoyed seeing you speak and seeing the real you in video format!! Visible Ink sounds like an awesome program. Thank you for sharing it.

    1. Thanks, Beth! I do hope they get funding to extend the program beyond MSK. I can't tell you how thrilling it was to sit in the audience and watch the stories performed by the troupe. I know some of the performances from last year are on the website. Very special program and a very special group of volunteers led by Judith who is one terrific woman!


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