Friday, April 13, 2012


Today, I am "rounding" on the floor at Memorial Sloan Kettering.  I felt I needed to give back to the hospital... really, it's so much more than a hospital.... it's an entire community..... that took such great care of me since April of 2006 when I first hobbled through the doors with my films in hand, on crutches.  It was an odd twist of fate.  I had elective surgery on my foot to have a neuroma removed.  The surgery was in the same hospital where I sat with my son last week.

My foot surgery was scheduled weeks before I descended into imaging hell.  I spent an entire week in hell. I was gearing up for my foot surgery.  What cold possibly be of more importance than fixing this issue with my foot?  After all, it was messing up my ability to wear really, really, REALLY great shoes.  How could I POSSIBLY know that there would be A Letter in my future when I was setting up this surgery?  A Letter that began the domino effect so eloquently penned by Nancy in her blog at Nancy's Point.....

I'm sure I still have it in my "This Sucked" folder.  Come back for additional images of two areas of concern:  The Density (not really an area of concern but just happens to be what WAS cancer) and The Calcifications (which really were an area of concern that appeared highly suspicious and ultimately, WERE nothing).  The lesson?  Don't count on anything until all the votes are in.

And right now, we need to be voting.  There are a bunch of things going and I would like to ask everyone to take a couple of moments to save these links and VOTE.

First.... METAvivor.  Pink Well is presenting a sizable donation to the organization with the most votes.  No area of breast cancer is in more need of funding than research of metastatic disease.  

Second.... the "Webby" awards.  Is it me or are there more awards out there than anyone can possibly keep up with.... No matter.  I feel strongly about a couple of the award categories so I'm asking for your help.  To begin, the gang at I Had Cancer is nominated in two categories.  Please vote in both.  They are nominated for Social Media Website and Community Website.  Click both links.  Vote for them in both categories.

Also nominated for a "Webby" is Memorial Sloan Kettering.  The press release from the hospital says it all.  Their nomination is in the Health Website category and is the result of lots of hard work over the past several months by the team at the hospital to redesign the website.  I hope their efforts will be rewarded.  Poke around the website.  Take it for a test drive.  And then, submit a vote on their behalf.  Please.  Pretty please.... sugar on top??

The voting continues for another two weeks.  It will give me something to keep my mind occupied.  April is filled with Those Dates.  April is also my oncology follow up.  April was not my favorite month.  If I see things happen for METAvivor, I Had Cancer and Memorial Sloan Kettering, I may just change my mind about April.  It's in your hands.


  1. Sloan Kettering is a wonderful sister had her life saving surgery there for a rare form of cancer and the plastic surgery as well. Definitely a great place!

    1. Having spent half of today in the hospital and being very familiar with the plastic surgery and the dermatology areas.... along with the breast cancer, oncology, gyn, the operating rooms...... I can't say enough about the quality of the care I received. Life saving surgery for a rare cancer..... That makes me smile. Thanks, Kathleen.... Hope you have a wonderful weekend!


  2. Good for you for spending so much time and energy to give back to Sloan Kettering. It's a hospital with an impeccable reputation. xxx


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